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Kid's Ministry

In our Childrens Ministries we endeavor to bring kids to the understanding that Jesus Christ loves them, Died to erase their sins and wants to have a relationship with them. We use games,skits, object lessons and Bible stories to clearly teach biblical prinsciples for Christian Living. It is also our goal to have the children active in supporting Missinos and knowing that they are an important Part of Gods Plan

Youth Ministry

The primary goal of youth group is to present students with the truth of the gospel. The truth that God loves them no matter what and that his desire is to have a relationsip with them. Second is the inspire this generation to live for God. Following the example laid out in his word. and to provide a place where students can build friendships with other students who challenge each other to live for God

Men's Ministry

COAL Men’s Ministry reaches out to all men to encourage them in their commitment to Christand to serve Him “shoulder to shoulder” (Zephaniah 3:9), in carrying out the God-given rolesand responsibilities as men.


Women's Ministry

Women of Grace and Faith is a ministry dedicated to seeing all women become the women God intends them to be. Women of Grace and Faith gather every other month for a breakfast meeting where we blend a time of public worship and biblical teaching with the intimacy of personal testimonies and prayerful encouragement at each table. Together we share the love and joy of Jesus Christ who gives us his Holy Spirit to strengthen and comfort us though all of life’s ups an downs.


Here at Church of Abundant Life, our focus for missions is an obedience to God's word and the Great Commission, outlined in Matt 28:18-20. We believe in all ages having an earnest heart for Christ and the lost, and a wholistic understanding of what it means to honor the Lords commands. (Luke 11:28) By His grace, we pray to make His love known known through prayer, giving, and going, in both our local communities all the way to the ends of the earth. (Isaiah 49:6) 

Church OF
Abundant Life



1881 Washington Street

Braintree, MA

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